Album cover with Bobby Henderson

Bobby Henderson “I Don’t Want It To Stop” Single Release November 10th

Written in March of 2020, ‘I Don’t Want It To Stop’  was a sincere attempt at fighting loneliness in the early months of the pandemic, written in the form of a fictional love letter to a potential future love interest. Originally started as an acoustic guitar vamp, this song slowly matured into a synth heavy RnB/Soul track, emphasizing its rhythmically tight drum and bass loops, and multiple modulations of its chorus. The track starts with a menacing synth wave, which could be representative of the wave of mixed emotions felt during the time of writing, something we all felt during those early months of 2020. The instrumental hook played on electric guitar and Rhodes piano was later added on a whim, and ended up being an identifying piece. 

All instruments were performed by Bobby Henderson (vocals, guitars, bass, drums, synths) and Wil Moralda (backing vocals, pianos, synths, percussion) in Moralda’s basement studio in Calgary, Alberta. This independent process of recording allows for a creative and intimate environment which can be heard and felt throughout the track. 

Digital Release

Dropping: November 10th 2023

Mo Gravy Records